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A Conversational AI Legal Education Assistant

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What is Ask Abe?

Ask Abe is an educational tool designed to help users navigate complex legal frameworks and access detailed legal information. This conversational AI allows users to ask legal questions and receive answers with direct citations to primary source legislation.

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Democratizing Legal Knowledge For All, One Question At a Time

Our vision is to revolutionize the legal landscape by making legal literacy accessible to everyone. We are committed to empowering individuals with comprehensible legal knowledge through Ask Abe. Our mission includes keeping this invaluable tool free forever and expanding its benefits globally. We envision a future where every citizen, regardless of background or location, is equipped with the tools to navigate the legal world confidently, contributing to a more just, informed, and equitable society.

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Ask Abe's Features
Expandable Citations
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Chat Options & Jurisdictions
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Our Team

Will Diamond

Will Diamond


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Will Diamond

Madeline Kaufman


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